Welcome to 6 new websites and 1 new look for the Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship!
Rebranding is a significant change for any operation, usually driven by change itself.
It is also a significant opportunity. So why us and why now?
The first reason is an obvious one. Our “home” moved from UW-Extension to UW System Administration in 2019 as part of a major University of Wisconsin System reorganization.
The second reason is less obvious but fundamental to who we are and how we operate. The Institute and its five program units all started and evolved at different times, leading to different logos and colors. Our growth over the past few years has been positive, a response to meet the needs of Wisconsin’s businesses and communities. But it was not apparent that we are one team working together and with our partners to share expertise.
The Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship provides access to specialized resources and helps clients craft personalized plans to grow their businesses.
Step one in demonstrating that better is updating our websites to be more customer-focused on the services we offer, the impact we make and the expertise of our staff – all in a more modern, mobile-friendly approach.
Over the next few months, we look forward to sharing much more. Let us know if you have any questions.
We are proud to fulfill The Wisconsin Idea in our statewide business outreach. That is something that has never changed.
Before you go, our websites at a glance:
- Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship: www.business.wisconsin.edu
- Small Business Development Center (SBDC): www.wisconsinsbdc.org
- Center for Technology Commercialization (CTC): www.wisconsinctc.org
- Food Finance Institute (FFI): www.foodfinanceinstitute.org
- Center for Business Intelligence (CBI): www.wisconsincbi.org
- Business Dynamics Research Consortium (BDRC): www.wisconsinbdrc.org