
The Center for Technology Commercialization announces Margaret Ramey as new director

MADISON, Wis. – Margaret Ramey officially became the new director of the Center for Technology Commercialization on October 2nd. Ramey has been an instrumental part of the CTC since 2016 and is now stepping into the director slot with 8 years of knowledge and experience working in the innovation and SBIR ecosystem. 

“Margaret is the right person to lead CTC to be a valuable partner for the innovation initiatives Wisconsin is building,” said Bon Wikenheiser, Executive Director, Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship. “She is a skilled communicator that leads both staff and subject matter experts to best serve businesses seeking to commercialize tomorrow’s products and services. Her leadership experience, pragmatic approach and collaborative spirit are real assets for our team.” 

Ramey plans to continue to build on educational tools, programs and processes that ensure access to funding and information for Wisconsin innovators of all backgrounds. She has been the undisputed glue amongst CTC’s staff with diverse backgrounds. Her ability to bridge communication divides has allowed CTC to consistently move swiftly on opportunities.  

Margaret Ramey in a congratulations post on becoming CTC Director

“With CTC staff focused on high-tech, high-risk endeavors, it’s easy to forget that not everyone in this community knows the jargon, knows the tech, speaks the language,” said Ramey. “It is vital to not only be able to communicate clearly with the highly technical faculty member or small business, but also be able to help them translate that highly technical idea into something that someone without that technical knowledge wants to support.” 

Ramey’s main goal moving forward is to firmly establish CTC as the SBIR leader in the state by doubling down on guidance programing. Clear communication, organization and informational resources will make pursuing the $4.5B federal SBIR seed fund even more accessible to Wisconsin small businesses. She plans to work closely with clients to create tools to assist them with every step of the process – from feasibility to funding. 

“I love the feeling of pulling the trigger on a strategic pivot and then monitoring the progress via measurable outcomes,” said Ramey. “I’m proud of the progress that CTC has seen in building local partnerships and a national presence within the SBIR community. I’m personally proud of being asked to be a National Presenter at two TechConnect Annual Conferences, helping to secure SBA FAST funding for the past three years, organizing the well attended 2023 Wisconsin AI Summit, and my work at creating and implementing an outreach strategy since coming into the group in 2016.” 

Having been both a scientist and recruiter, Ramey has honed an ability to identify resources, search for the right people, and motivate her team to focus on outcomes. 

“Margaret is competitive and wants to reach new audiences,” said Jeff Buhrandt, Vice President for University Relations. “This is a great time for new outreach efforts. With an EDA designation and two ongoing NSF Engine, the time is right for CTC’s focus on technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. SBIRs will be a critical component of these efforts and I’m excited to see how CTC leverages new products and programs to work with these new audiences.” 

About Center for Technology Commercialization

The Center for Technology Commercialization is part of the Universities of Wisconsin Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship. CTC provides one-on-one expert consulting to early-stage emerging technology businesses throughout Wisconsin. CTC has collaborated in acquiring more than $100 million in federal and other funding for clients. Learn more at; follow @WisconsinCTC on Twitter.

About Universities of Wisconsin Institute for Business and Entrepreneurship: 

The Universities of Wisconsin Institute for Business and Entrepreneurship is dedicated to fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and supporting aspiring entrepreneurs across Wisconsin. Through comprehensive programs, resources, and partnerships, the Institute empowers individuals to turn their innovative ideas into successful businesses. 

SBA awards grant to impact underserved innovators

Streamlining SBIR/STTR support to increase Wisconsin’s success A unique new program, SBIR Labs, focused on streamlining Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programming in Wisconsin has received a competitive federal grant.