Small Business Clinics

Engage in a day of FREE workshops, educational sessions, and receive professional one-on-one consulting from experts in digital marketing, business planning, legal, small business taxes, finances, accounting, international trade, and more!

Small Business Clinics 3

Choose your entrepreneurial journey!

Small Business Clinics are structured as one-stop shop events, in which you can “choose your own adventure” by participating in as many or as few sessions as you would like. The day can be customized by registering for sessions based on your needs and interests. Drop in-and-out as it fits best with your schedule.

Experts from the Dept. of Revenue, Dept. of Workforce Development, WI Dept. of Financial Institutions, and other state agencies may be represented. Depending on availability and interest, a bilingual consultant is often available to offer consulting in Spanish.

A typical Small Business Clinic will include:

  • Confidential, no cost, consulting appointments (30 minutes) provided by subject matter experts with the SBDC, local Economic Development Organizations (EDOs), and other invited resource partners.
  • General session presentations (30-60 minutes) throughout the day that focus on essential topics such as Business Planning, Digital Marketing, AI, Legal, Taxes, Funding Programs, and more.
  • A full day of networking opportunities to connect with fellow small businesses and critical resources in your community and around the state!

Topics covered include (but are not limited to):

  • General Small Business
  • Digital Marketing
  • E-Commerce/Sales
  • Contract, IP, and Copyright Law
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Small Business Taxes
  • International Trade
  • Food Licensing, etc.

Ready to participate in a Small Business Clinic?

Find an Upcoming Clinic

View the events calendar to find an upcoming Small Business Clinic.

Complete the Registration Form

View the event details to find a registration link that is for that specific Clinic.

Customize Your Schedule

Select as many sessions and/or one-on-one appointments that fit best with your schedule. Come and go as you please throughout the day.

“I loved having access to experts in the topics that were available. The people we met with were enthusiastic, passionate, and so helpful. The tips on accessing loan and grant funds, and education on what programs are available, were also incredibly helpful.”
2024 Small Business Clinic Attendee
Small Business Owner

Attend the Watertown Small Business Clinic!

We will be hosting several Small Business Clinics in 2025! Join us for the next Small Business Clinic on February 28th at Madison Area Technical College – Watertown Campus in Watertown, WI.
Click to Register

Small Business Clinics are hosted occasionally throughout the year, and primarily in-person at locations across Wisconsin. Contact Dan Brosman or Nora Roughen-Schmidt with questions!