The unique product fits many dietary needs because it is dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegetarian. It also contains no additives or preservatives. It is often used as a healthy alternative to both mayonnaise and hummus or as a spread on burgers, wraps, and even salads.
Owner Michael Anagnos said his committed team members, John Kaspryk, Billy Hintz, and Jeanne Parentau, are truly the key to what makes the business work. In describing his entrepreneurship experience, Michael said, “It has been a journey of humility, realizing others’ ideas are essential to success and learning to be open to asking for help. It has also been a journey of self-discovery.”
Michael shares credit for Yaya’s Skordalia’s success with a few others as well. “Brian Jorata, with the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) was a superhero who helped with licensing and other details in the beginning. And my wife is so important! She has been my biggest cheerleader along the way,” he said.
Michael participated in the Food Finance Institute’s (FFI) Fellows Brands Program. “Brad Rowstowski was great to work with, and Sarah Larson and Tera Johnson always made themselves available to help as well,” Michael said.
Brad said, “Michael’s energy is almost limitless. FFI assisted him in focusing on building a brand and business model to help him transition from a farmers market icon to a food industry up and coming brand. Micheal leveraged our Fellows core focus of maximizing business value potential to build business and financial plans to deliver his company’s three-year growth goals.”

More support came from the UW-Whitewater Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in 2022. “Ron Chisholm and Kevin Kaufman, consultants at the SBDC, were super helpful. They asked the important questions about the entrepreneur mindset, in addition to helping with financial projections and a business plan. They were so compassionate! Sometimes, I would go into their office almost in tears and they were nearly like counselors for me. I have lots of gratitude for the ‘safe zone’ SBDC consulting provided to help overcome psychological hurdles, and the consulting is free!” Michael said.
Ron Chisholm said, “Michael’s enthusiasm for his product is infectious! Consulting and coaching him during this growth phase of his business has been extremely rewarding.”
Accomplishments with UW-Whitewater SBDC
- Entrepreneurial mindset
- Business strategy
- Resources
The SBDC led him to Project Pitch It!, a reality television show on which Wisconsin entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to leading business moguls who challenge the participants to take their ventures to the next level. “We won! We used the prize money to help pay staff and to purchase a refrigerated truck,” Michael said.
The success just kept coming. Next, the business expanded to wholesale distribution. “Sendik’s Food Market gave me my big shot in May 2023,” Michael said. “We soon plan to introduce the product in four more Sendik’s locations , and perhaps even extend our wholesale business to outside Wisconsin.”
Who knows what success the future will bring for Yaya’s Skordalia next? Michael said they are excited to consider new product ideas like dressings and to partner with other local businesses. Michael said, “Success is not just a bank account; it’s about enjoying the journey and realizing overcoming challenges can make life even better.”