Yaya’s Skordalia: Traditional recipes, modern twist


The unique product fits many dietary needs because it is dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegetarian.

Meadowlark Organics: Entrepreneurship as a Lever for Change

As organic farmers, millers and grain enthusiasts, John and Halee Wepking are definitely entrepreneurs. However, turning a profit is hardly their main motivator.

Siren Shrub: Side hustle to multi-product, multi-flavor company

Siren Shrub Mindy Layne

Siren Shrub Co., which takes drinks up a notch with an old-but-new concept, has taken its company up a notch in just a few short years.

Sari Kimbell: Encouraging Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Better Tasting Food

Sari Kimbell

Sari Kimbell has made supporting and transforming the local food movement her life’s work.

Yumbutter: Clarifying A Business Model Path and Building a National Brand

Yumbutter banner

Matt D’Amour and Adrian Reif didn’t just create a nut butter company; they pursued their dream of running the world’s most responsible food company.

Yumbutter™ began in 2010 with two industry inexperienced entrepreneurs, $900, a Black and Decker food processor and the hope of improving lives.